User Policy

Please read it when you use this site. In addition, we may change contents without notice.Please be understanding this beforehand.

System Requirement

We recommend the following system if you look at our website. A part of our site may not be available in any system other than this. And, depending on setting such as security software or network, a part of our site may not be available even if it met this requirement.

Web-browser Microsoft Edge Latest, Firefox Latest, Google Chrome Latest, Safari Latest

In regards to JavaScript JavaScript might be used in this website. Our contents may not be displayed clearly depending on your browser setting. Please check JavaScript setting to read our site at that time.

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ActiveX control We do not request install of ActiveX control on this site.

About pop-up blocking We do not use any popup on this site.

About trademarks

“Adobe Acrobat Reader” is a trademark or registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

“Facebook” is a trademark or registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

“Google”, “YouTube” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google, Inc.

“JavaScriptTM” is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

“Microsoft Edge” is a trademark or registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

“X” is a trademark or registered trademark of X Corp.

Inquiry as for this site

Please refer to Inquiry or FAQ if you have any question about a rink or reproduction of the images, troubles on this site and so on.